"Humans of Heaven" by Jana Zuniga Pingel/photoalbums/merchandise/Screen%20Shot%202024-10-01%20at%209.33.26%20AM.png_parent
"Humans of Heaven" by Jana Zuniga Pingel/photoalbums/merchandise/Screen%20Shot%202024-10-01%20at%209.33.40%20AM.png_parent
Radiating Joy Candle:
Inspired by Servant of God, Michelle Duppong with notes of Haymarsh Valley and Sweetpea.
Jar candle: 10 oz frosted glass with a bamboo lid & 60 hour burning time.
Each candle is handcrafted with pure soy and phthalate- free fragrances./photoalbums/merchandise/Image3.jpg_parent
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Contact the Guild at duppongguild@bismarckdiocese.com with any questions.